Dr. Tania Sultana


Experience: 16 Years of experience in this field.
Qualifications: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S Rheumatology, F.C.P.S (Medicine)
fee: 2500 Rs

Doctor Specialization.


Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the fee of Dr. Tania Sultana ?

Dr. Tania Sultana's fee is Rs. 2,500 for consultation.

What is the experience of Dr. Tania Sultana?

Dr. Tania Sultana has 16 years of experience.

What is the education of Dr. Tania Sultana?

Dr. Tania Sultana has the following degrees: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S Rheumatology, F.C.P.S (Medicine)

Doctor Reviews.

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